Q&As will be posted here periodically beginning from the time of RFP release and ending on September 4, 2018 5:00 P.M. (PST). During this period, Sigala Inc will record and provide answers to any questions or requests to clarify information about the RFP. It is the responsibility of the prospective proposer to monitor this webpage for updates.
Questions & Answers
Q: Does this RFP restrict substituting two (2) Level 2 Single-port Chargers or is it dual-port chargers only?
A: Dual-port chargers only.
Q: The general desired location of the EVCS at each site is directly in front of the community bldg.. CBC code 11B-208.1 states that “For the purposes of this section, electric vehicle charging stations are not parking spaces; see Section 11B-228”. CBC 11B-812.9 states “EVCS vehicle spaces shall provide surface marking stating “EV CHARGING ONLY” …” The spaces outfitted with chargers will no longer be parking spaces rather they become charging spaces and cannot be used as parking spaces. Placing the requested charging stalls at the community bldg will limit that amount of parking spaces directly in front of the community bldg. Please confirm that this is understood and acceptable.
A: Yes, this is understood and acceptable.
Q: The CBC also requires that one van accessible space be provided with a charger per TABLE 11B- when installing 4 chargers or less at a site. This space will most likely need to be in addition to the existing van accessible space – effectively taking 2 of the existing standard sized parking spaces to make one new van EVCS space. This space (EVCS) will not allow parking – only charging, thus the reason to add a second van accessible space to the already existing van accessible “parking” space. Again, if this occurs in front of the community bldg, is it understood and acceptable (loss of one additional space for van EVCS)? To recap – to add 4 charging spaces, it will take 5 regular sized spaces as the van space takes the width of 2 spaces. A possible cost effective solution would be to install a van accessible parking space somewhere else on the property to fulfill the requirements of CBC-208.2.4 and use the one already existing at the community bldg as the new van accessible EVCS space (no longer a parking space).
A: For the purposes of this project, EVCSs will not be available to general public and intended for use by a designated vehicle or driver (example: public or private fleet vehicles and EVCS assigned to an employee) and therefore, will not require a van accessible space.
Direct all inquires regarding this RFP in writing, via email to:
Jennifer Khy
Sigala Inc., Assistant Project Manager