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This Report represents the culmination of a year-long collaboration between the California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD), the eight San Joaquin County MPOs, city and county planning staff, Valley housing stakeholders, and five planning consulting firms. Oversight was provided by the San Joaquin Valley REAP Committee for Housing.  A Regional Early Action Planning (REAP) grant provided by HCD funded this collaborative effort. The following organizations, firms, and individuals contributed to the Report.

Project Managers


Michael Sigala, MCP, SJV REAP Housing Manager

Robert Phipps, Deputy Director, Fresno Council of Governments

San Joaquin Valley REAP Committee for Housing

Kern County

Supervisor Zack Scrivner, County of Kern 

Councilmember Bob Smith, City of Bakersfield

Mayor Cathy Prout, City of Shafter


Kings County

Supervisor Doug Verboon, County of Kings

Mayor Diane Sharp, City of Hanford

Mayor Alvaro Preciado, City of Avenal


Fresno County

Supervisor Steve Brandau, County of Fresno

Mayor Jerry Dyer, City of Fresno

Committee Chair – Mayor Gary Yep, City of Kerman


Madera County

Supervisor Robert Poythress, County of Madera

Mayor Santos Garcia, City of Madera

Councilmember Diana Palmer, City of Chowchilla

Merced County

Committee Vice Chair – Supervisor Lloyd Pareira, County of Merced 

Mayor Matt Serratto, City of Merced

Mayor April Hogue, City of Dos Palos 


San Joaquin County

Supervisor Tom Patti, County of San Joaquin 

Councilmember Dan Wright, City of Stockton

Councilmember Gary Singh, City of Manteca


Stanislaus County

Supervisor Vito Chiesa, County of Stanislaus

Bill O’Brien, (former county supervisor)

Anthony Canella, (former state senator)


Tulare County

Supervisor Eddie Valero, County of Tulare

Mayor Pro-Tem Frankie Alves, City of Exeter

Vice-Mayor Martha Flores, City of Porterville

MPO Directors

Fresno Council of Governments

Tony Boren, Executive Director


Kern Council of Governments

Ahron Hakimi, Executive Director


Kings County Association of Governments

Terri King, Executive Director


Madera County Transportation Commission

Patricia Taylor, Executive Director

Merced County Association of Governments

Stacie Guzman, Executive Director


San Joaquin Council of Governments

Diane Nguyen, Executive Director


Stanislaus Council of Governments

Rosa Park, Executive Director


Tulare County Association of Governments

Ted Smalley, Executive Director

California Department of Housing and Community Development

Paul McDougal, Housing Policy Manager

Sohab Mehmood, Housing Policy Specialist

Marisa Prasse, Housing Policy Specialist


Mintier Harnish

Jim Harnish, JD, Principal/Owner, Primary Author

Rick Rust, AICP, GISP, Principal Planner

Brent Gibbons, AICP, Senior Project Manager

Jordan Cowell, Project Manager

Ryan Lester, Associate

Michael Gibbons, Associate

Eric Harnish, Research Assistant

Judy Harnish, CFO, Business Manager

Theda Justiniani, Office Manager

Abby Weizer, Student Intern

Raimi + Associates

Ron Whitmore, PhD, AICP, Principal, 

Project Manager

Alessandra Lundin, Associate

Jessica Medina, Senior Planner

Juan Reynoso, Senior Planner

Jeremy Pi, Senior Planner

Wenhao Wu, Intermediate Planner

Robyn Wong, Intermediate Planner

Lilly Nie, Planner

Christian Ledezma, Graphic Designer

Rincon Consultants

Della Acosta, Senior Community Planner 

Eric VonBerg, Senior Planner

Kimiko Lizardi, Director of Environmental and Long-Range Planning

Saara Chaudry, Planner

Dylan Stafforini, Assistant Planner

Amanda Cobb, Assistant Planner

Bryce Haney, Assistant Planner  

Susan Hernandez, Assistant Planner 

Regional Governmental Services Authority

Steve Flint, Lead Planning Advisor

Jeff Schwob, Senior Advisor

Kim Anderson, Senior Advisor

Brad Evanson, Advisor

Harry Tragenza, Technical Specialist

Veronica Tam Associates

Veronica Tam, AICP, Principal

Laura Vander Neut, Planning Associate