

Major Highways and Interstates

MAJOR HIGHWAYS AND INTERSTATES   The Valley RPAs work in close consultation with Caltrans and other stakeholders to prioritize funding for SR 99 and other major highways and interstates. The 99 Business Plan helped the Valley achieve dedicated funding for SR 99 through Proposition 1B, the only...


Joint Funding Strategies

JOINT FUNDING STRATEGIES – STIP, IIP AND OTHER FUNDING The State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) is a multi-year capital improvement program to assist the State and local entities to plan and implement transportation improvements, and to utilize resources in a cost effective manner.  STIP funded improvements...


Sustainable Communities Strategies

SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES STRATEGIES / REGIONAL TRANSPORTATION PLANS California’s Sustainable Communities and Climate Protection Act of 2008 (SB 375) requires each MPO to develop a Sustainable Communities Strategy (SCS) as part of their Regional Transportation Plan (RTP).  A SCS outlines the plan for reducing per capita greenhouse...


Air Quality Transportation Planning and Coordination

AIR QUALITY TRANSPORTATION PLANNING AND COORDINATION Transportation conformity is required by the federal Clean Air Act and ensures that federal funding is given to transportation activities that are consistent with air quality goals. The Clean Air Act strengthened conformity requirements for transportation projects, necessitating a more enhanced...