Air Quality Transportation Planning and Coordination


Transportation conformity is required by the federal Clean Air Act and ensures that federal funding is given to transportation activities that are consistent with air quality goals. The Clean Air Act strengthened conformity requirements for transportation projects, necessitating a more enhanced level of technical analysis of plans, programs, and projects than in the past. Conformity determinations must be conducted at least every four years, or as amendments are made to plans or projects. The federal transportation conformity rule requires interagency consultation on issues that would affect the conformity analysis, such as the underlying assumptions and methodologies used to prepare the analysis. Consultation is generally conducted through the San Joaquin Valley Interagency Coordinating Committee (IAC). The IAC has been established to provide a coordinated approach to Valley air quality, conformity and transportation modeling issues. Each of the eight Valley Regional Transportation Planning Agencies (RTPAs) and the Air Pollution Control District are represented. In addition, the Federal Highway Administration, Federal Transit Administration, the Environmental Protection Agency, the California Air Resources Board and Caltrans have members on the committee. Coordination among the Valley RPAs, the Air District and other air quality and transportation agencies is proving to be a very effective process. The Valley RPA Directors have budgeted to continue joint funding for a valleywide Air Quality Coordinator, responsible to the Directors, to ensure that air quality conformity and related modeling within the Valley is accomplished on a consistent and timely basis. In addition, the Valley RPA Directors have budgeted additional funding to provide coordination on air quality policy issues beyond the technical needs of the Valley.


Ongoing Activities:


  • Monitor state and federal guidance related to air quality transportation planning requirements.


  • Conduct conformity determinations to ensure that the Regional Transportation Plan, FTIP, and subsequent amendments conform to the State Implementation Plans (SIPs), as required by federal laws and regulations.


  • Submit future-year travel forecasts to the SJVAPCD and the California Air Resources Board as requested.


  • Continue to utilize the Interagency Coordinating Committee (IAC) for routine communication and coordination.