Q: Can Vendor retain title to vehicles after two-year period?
Questions & Answers
A: Yes, but we want to understand how you would transition the program after the end of the period.
Q: Clarify threshold around how much vehicles would be rented for on a per hour or per day basis.
A: We’re not specifying daily or hourly rates, but given the rural nature of this program, we would like to see low base rates in addition to discounts based on income.
For a reference point, consider fares from other low-income programs or non-profit models. In particular, look at the LA EV carshare program.
- BlueLA: http://bluela.com/
- eGo carshare (Denver) – http://carshare.org/ego-carshare-expands-in-longmont/
Q: Who pays for electricity to charge vehicles?
A: We expect that to be built into the operating cost of the operator/car share vendor. Grant funds cannot pay for electricity.
Q: What electric utility service areas are the EV charging sites located in?
A: See below:
- Sierra Village – Dinuba, Tulare County
- Sandcreek – Orosi, Tulare County
- Caliente Creek – Arvin, Kern County
- Sunrise Villa – Wasco, Kern County
- Almond Court – Wasco, Kern County
- Highland Gardens – Visalia, Tulare County
Q: Can you provide clarification on the statement from the RFQ: “The project grant is structured through reimbursements, so project partners are limited in terms of seed funding available to Firm.”
A: The scope of work specified in this RFQ is part of a State of California funded project that requires invoices to be paid on a reimbursement basis only.
The reimbursement process is as follows:
→ Firm submits invoice to Sigala Inc. (Administrative Subcontractor) for work performed
→ Sigala Inc. submits Claim for Payment to San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District (Grantee)
→ SJVAPCD submits Claim for Payment to California Air Resources Board (Grantor)
→ CARB writes check to SJVAPCD
→ SJVAPCD writes check to Sigala Inc,
→ Sigala Inc. writes check to Firm
We want interested respondents to acknowledge that this can be a 2 – 3 month process before payment for work performed can be made and do not want to give any false expectations on the first payment coming through. We do have working capital set aside that may be used in anticipation of the first reimbursement but that amount is likely in the range of $20,000 – $50,000 because working capital is needed for other areas of the project. We are open to respondents including a financing option and fee structure into their proposal.
Q: Can you give us a general understanding of what the current footprint of charging stations in this area looks like? (concerned with range anxiety)
A: We released a parallel RFP for the installation of EV charging infrastructure for this project. Eleven (11) level 2 dual-port chargers will come online over the course of the next few months and we are leaving room for a second phase of construction that includes a minimum of six (6) more level 2 dual-port chargers to be installed in the project area. If you identify gaps in the network beyond the project area that need to be addressed, please include this in your proposal and offer recommendations around specific infrastructure needs.
For more information on EV station locations outside of these project sites, please see the Alternative Fuels Data Center’s map:
Q: Can member-behavioral type fees be charged? i.e. late return or in case of member not plugging in vehicle?
A: Yes, we are not setting restrictions on fees or fines at this point. Respondents are encouraged to share any information they have on expected fees/fines.
Q: Are used vehicles allowable?
A: Vehicles may be new or used.
Q: Are EVSE costs separate from the operator support costs or are they able to be coupled in any way?
A: The budget assumes that $380,000 will be spent on level 2 EVSE, coordinated by a vendor to be selected shortly. This budget contemplates rebates that will be secured to offset some of the costs of this construction and equipment. If the vendor is recommending an approach that brings in additional resources and/or requires a different EVSE solution, this should be specified in detail in the proposal with a full accounting of costs.
EVSE RFP (closed): https://sjvcogs.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/Valley-GO-EVSE-RFP.pdf
Clarifying information on vehicles associated with this program:
- Vendors may choose to owned or lease vehicles, but vendor is responsible for this registering, insuring, and maintaining vehicle during the contract term.
- Vehicles are not required to be turned over to project team at end of program, but keep in mind that project will be scored in part on the basis of how the vendor work to ensure continuation of the program beyond the two year term (last bullet on first criteria).
- BEVs must meet CARB criteria at the time of their acquisition for program as stated on the CVRP website (https://cleanvehiclerebate.org/eng). Please check with CARB regarding eligibility if proposing vehicles not listed on this site.
The program requires the purchase or lease of at least 24 BEVs. Additional vehicle requirements:
- May be purchased or leased (2-year minimum lease period);
- May be new or used;
- Must be a four passenger vehicle or more;
- A chassis that has been modified with aftermarket parts or equipment to create a zero-emission vehicle is not eligible;
- New vehicles must be eligible for the Clean Vehicle Rebate Project (CVRP) or the California Hybrid and Zero-Emission Truck and Bus Voucher Project (HVIP), but they cannot participate and receive rebates from CVRP or vouchers from HVIP;
- Used vehicles that have participated in CVRP or HVIP and have fully complied with CVRP and HVIP requirements are eligible;
- Must be registered in CA;
- No modifications to the vehicle’s emissions control systems, hardware, software calibrations or hybrid system (California Vehicle Code (CVC) Section 27156); and
- Vehicle title can not be salvaged (as defined in CVC section 544).