Sustainable Communities Strategies
California’s Sustainable Communities and Climate Protection Act of 2008 (SB 375) requires each MPO to develop a Sustainable Communities Strategy (SCS) as part of their Regional Transportation Plan (RTP). A SCS outlines the plan for reducing per capita greenhouse gas emission by integrating the transportation network and related strategies with an overall land use pattern that accounts for projected growth, housing needs, changing demographics, and forecasted transportation needs among all modes of travel. Under the Sustainable Communities Act, the California Air Resources Board (ARB) sets regional targets for GHG emissions reductions from passenger vehicle use. The ARB established these targets in the San Joaquin Valley as GHG reductions of five percent by 2020 and 10 percent by 2035.
The Valley RegionalPlanning Agencies have worked independently and collectively to meet these targets and have invested considerable resources towards technical staff, modeling, and scenario development. To date, all RPAs have submitted a SCS to the ARB for review with the exception of Merced County Association of Governments who submitted an Alternative Planning Strategy. The Valley’s Regional Planning Agencies are currently working with FHWA and ARB to establish timelinesand protocol for the next round of RTPs.
Ongoing Activities:
- Finalize current Sustainable Communities Strategies.
- Continue to work with ARB staff to accept Valley SCSs and determine next steps for revisiting greenhouse gas emission targets.
- Continue Valley Visions outreach efforts.
- Coordinate with FHWA and other oversight agencies for RTP acceptance.
- Next cycle goals – establish and advocate “Valley” position.