Regulatory Mechanisms

Many Valley communities struggle to accommodate their fair share of housing during California’s record housing crisis. The housing shortage has driven home prices and rents to unprecedented levels throughout the State. Coupled with an ever-increasing population, the housing shortage is at the forefront of issues facing California communities, especially those in the San Joaquin Valley. Despite the multitude of California laws aimed at increasing housing supply and affordability, the crisis has prompted many communities to look for other, more innovative solutions. Through their zoning codes and other regulatory mechanisms, local governments have a unique opportunity to revisit existing development policies and regulations and explore new policies and regulations that could lead to increased housing supply or decreased housing costs in their community. This section addresses thirteen regulatory mechanisms that can make a difference in housing supply and affordability on the San Joaquin Valley:

  • Objective residential design and development standards
  • Density bonuses
  • Missing middle housing/infill housing
  • Inclusionary zoning 
  • Infill development
  • Transit-oriented development (TOD)
  • Innovative zoning solutions
  • Form-based codes
  • Upzoning
  • Housing overlay zones
  • Accessory dwelling units (ADUs)
  • Permit streamlining and fee reduction 
  • CEQA implications for housing approvals